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- - - -  Status Provided By Greg Businelle - - - -

Sunday, June 10, 2001

This has been a fairly exciting month.  First and foremost, I finally received my wheelchair! It's a very nice power chair that goes low enough to fit in my minivan and also stands me up.  Standing up is good for my circulation, bone density, and spirit.  I finally have a bit of independence and Jill finally gets a break from pushing me.

I had minor surgery a couple of weeks ago.  It was a necessary evil in order to help manage my bladder.  The surgery went well, and my recovery has been uneventful.  I get my staple’s out on Monday and that should be the end of that.

School is going well as the first module winds up.  I did end up getting an A and a B which is plenty good enough for me.  I was supposed to have class yesterday, but it was rained out.  In case you missed it, Houston had its100 year storm over the weekend.  There was widespread flooding everywhere. The lake came up in our backyard all the way up to the third step on the porch.  It was very strange watching our yard disappear.  Some homes on our street flooded, but ours did not, thank the Lord.
On a very personal note, my hospital stay put extreme pressures on my family.  There were plenty of disagreements and misunderstandings to go around.  Unfortunately, those problems have extended themselves even to today.  This has created a rift straight down the middle of my immediate family.  For all my prayers, this has not gotten any better and has actually gotten worse.  As you pray for myself and Jill, please pray for this problem.  I'm getting to the point where I’d prefer the Lord fix this rather than my health.

This Thursday, June 14th, there is going to be an interesting program about a girl who received a spinal injury about the same time that I did. She underwent an experimental therapy that seems to be working.  I have spoken to her a couple of times on the phone.  Anyway, the program is on Dateline at 9:00 p.m. Central time.

Take care everyone.  Talk to you in a month!

Luke 17:4 – “If he (your brother) sins against you seven times in a
day, and seven times comes back to you and says, “I repent,” forgive him."