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- - - -  Status Provided By Jill Businelle - - - -

Saturday, November 11, 2000
The past couple of weeks have been much better. The blood clots in Greg's legs are under control and Greg is feeling much better and stronger. We went back to TIRR this week for a check up visit with Greg's physical medicine doctor. He said Greg is looking stronger and is ready to start the second phase of his therapy. The doctor recommended outpatient therapy which we were very happy about. Greg will go to TIRR's outpatient clinic 3 times a week for 3 hours of therapy each day. It will be hard driving to Houston 3 times a week, but it will be much better than staying in a hospital again. The doctor set several goals for this next visit. First, to find a wheelchair that works good for Greg that we can purchase. We are thinking it will be an automatic chair that Greg can control himself. Second, to work on Greg being able to stand. He will not be able to stand on his own, but with the assistance of a standing frame. The challenge is similar to the struggle he went through to be able to sit up. He will have to re-teach his body to stand and how to keep his blood pressure steady while standing. It will be a hard struggle, but the benefits are very good. It is good on his legs to have pressure on them, it will improve his circulation and the mental satisfaction to be able to stand and look others in the eyes. If he is able to reach a standing position, then it is possible he could get a wheelchair that has standing ability. The final goal is to get Greg stronger and work on getting more movement in his wrists and triceps. The doctor and therapist have felt triggers in both and hope that with electrical stimulation and isolated therapy, they will be able to get functioning in both areas.

Greg and I want to thank everyone that has been generous and sent donations to the benefit account or helped through the garage sale or golf tournament. This generosity went a long way in helping us purchase a handicap accessible van. We ordered the van and it is expected to be in next week. It is perfect timing for Greg's next therapy phase and our regular drive into Houston. The van makes leaving the house so much more pleasurable. Thanks to everyone for making this possible.

To our surprise, the Wall Street Journal has decided to publish an article on this web site and how we used it to stay in touch with family and friends during this tragedy. Greg and I have prayed so much about this article and hope that it helps others in similar situations. Not only do we hope that it helps others have the faith and strength to make it through a life threatening illness and injury, but we also hope that it encourages others to use the internet to keep in touch. We feel so blessed to have the internet available. Not only did it help us to communicate with family and friends, but it also allowed us to meet new friends that have brought us so much love and support.

Greg and I have been going back and looking at the past entries to see how far he has come and it really is amazing. I read the prayer requests and am speechless at how they have been answered. This past week at the doctor's appointment, we learned that Greg's kidney function is now normal! Greg's lungs have healed to a point where he can breathe on his own and they are still getting stronger. Unfortunately, the signs for the healing of his spine have not been as obvious, but we know God is still out there working His miracles. Please continue to remember Greg in your prayers and especially for the healing of his spine and for daily encouragement.

One big miracle for me is that Greg feels he has reached a point where he is ready to take over the updates on this web site. I am looking forward to seeing how Greg's experiences, feelings, frustrations and achievements can touch and encourage others. We have purchased a speech recognition software package for Greg to be able to use the computer. Until we have had a chance to get it up and running, I will do his typing for him. As today marks my last entry I will be doing alone, I give thanks to God and all of you for giving us the strength to make it to this point. All my love, Jill.

Acts 20:24 : "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."